
Daily Bread Mailbag: Charlos, Andrade, Sonny Liston, Pacquiao, More -

The Daily Bread Mailbag returns with Stephen "Breadman" Edwards tackling topics such as the Charlo Brothers, heavyweight legend Sonny Liston, WBA welterweight champion Manny Pacquiao, Boxing vs. MMA, and more.

Hey Bread,

You're always teaching in your MB.The liniment on the gloves in the first fight to cheat Cassius Clay and the pull counter shot in the 2nd fight proved Ali was superior. I believe Liston was stunned by the that pull counter shot that Ali was known for but not knocked unconscious, they way he laid there demonstrated to me that he could've continued. The fix was in on Liston's part.As far as The Old Mongoose vs. The Cincinnati Cobra that's the definition of "styles make fights". Was Ezzard Charles better overall than the Archie Moore is still up for debate IMO. Moore was beaten badly by Charley Burley and hospitalized and Sugar Ray Robinson was alleged to have said he would never fight Burley because he (Robinson) was too pretty.Moore's durability for a longer period of time and his KO's make him better to me, Charles just had his number and for the most part the master boxer Moore trained himself throughout his career. A lot of times a fighter needs other eyes to see what he/she is missing.

Moore and Robinson had dinner together and were discussing fighting each other.What bothers me about Oscar DLH is that people rarely talk about how great a fighter he was any more.People kind of see him for his drama and his underrated skills as a promoter. Oscar fought everybody and generally beat them clearly. Oscar had a couple fights that went his way that shouldn't have (Whitaker, Sturm) and a couple fights that went against him that shouldn't have (Trinidad, Mosley 2), other than that Oscar is an all time great.

When you talk about having an intuition about a fighter or 6th sense about them many won't know what you mean. If their body is strong, but lean unlike a bulky powerlifter or bodybuilder that's good also the ups and downs are minimal, their mindset is on a even keel they have an unfaltering belief in themselves. Their runs are good, getting faster all the time. No issues in training camp. I had an up and coming fighter suffer a split chin during sparring from an uppercut which required 8 stitches to close a week and a half before their fight and they couldn't pull out. Up until that happened camp was great, that threw everything off and put doubt in the fighters mind. They healed in time for the fight, but lost by decision and seemed distracted during the fight.We can go back to Mayweathers era or further back to Ray Leonard's era or earlier and see just how times have changed, this social media thing is a game changer for many fighters - look at the Paul Brothers. Fighters don't have to do much for informed or uninformed fans to crown them the goat or gwoat. If you compare the resumes of many current fighter to their counterparts of previous era's you'll see the leaness of their records.Also it seems like they do a lot not to fight each other and the architecture of box is wrong. Many of these big name fighters can promote themselves and bypass the hierarchy, eliminate the talking heads and make agreements to fight each other to see who's the best.

Bread’s Response: We agree 100% on Ali vs Liston. Ali had no reason to be in on the FIX. He was better. Liston tried to cheat to win the 1st fight. You don’t try to cheat to win and be in on a fix. Whatever that substance was it was an insurance policy in case things got tough on him. That’s why it was used after Ali got off to a good start. Some people make the ridiculous claim that the substance would have effected Liston too because Ali would rub his eyes then punch Liston and it would get in Liston’s eyes. That’s true but that just means that Team Liston were not rocket scientist. It just means that the risk was worth it to them because it would get in Ali’s eyes first and they thought that vulnerable moment of Ali would be enough for them to win. It doesn’t exclude them from cheating because their plan was NOT 100% Proof.

We also agree on the rematch. Liston was hit and he could have gotten up. He just didn’t. I’ve seen that “enhanced” hurt all of the time. I have a list of fighters who have done that over the years. Again my guts and eyes don’t lie to me. Liston could have continued.Charles vs Moore. I think you like many, are underestimating Charles. Until 10 years ago many historians rated Moore over Charles. But someone smart researched further. They didn’t try to be cute like they did with Harry Greb and rate him as the best fighter ever. And this is coming from someone who has researched Greb. I believe he was an awesome fighter. But it’s overkill to put him as #1 when you can’t see him. The eye ball test counts especially when the experts of his day who saw him didn’t rate him as the best. That’s telling to me. The Great Bruce Trampler just recently said that resumes are important but you have to take things in context. Iran Barkley beat Tommy Hearns twice and has a SD loss to Roberto Duran. He’s also a 3 division titlist. Barkley is NOT an ATG fighter. He’s not even a HOF. If we just look at some pieces of his resume then……..well you know the rest. And I really respect Barkley but Trampler has a great point.Back to Charles and Moore.

Moore only out does Charles in longevity. Moore had a cross arm style that aged well. I give him that. But I would take the fighter who had the higher peak everytime than the fighter who “lasted” longer. It’s not like Charles was a flash in the pan. He had over 100 fights also. Charles’ end was bad. I think the brutal ko losses to Walcott and later Marciano really zapped what was left of his prime. But his run from back to back losses in 1943 to Lloyd Marshall and Jimmy Bivins up until he lost his title to Jersey Joe Walcott in 1951 is one of the best runs in history. He avenged both losses and avenged his loss to Elmer Ray during that run. Moore has never had a peak run like that. Charles was most likely the world’s 2nd best fighter during that time no lower than 3rd only behind Robinson and Pep.

 For as good as Moore was at no point was he ever THAT. Charles didn’t just have Moore’s number. This isn’t a case of Junior Jones vs Marco Antonio Barrera. Charles not only stopped Moore when Moore was considered to be in prime. He also shut him out on points once and beat him in a tough fight once. Going 3-0 vs a fighter. Then having a higher peak. Then doing better vs common opponents. Is more than having a fighter’s number head to head. As far as their accomplishments go. Charles won the heavyweight title. He would have easily won the light heavyweight title. He didn’t get a shot. But instead of waiting around he moved up to fight a fighter in Joe Walcott who would have given Moore fits and most likely beaten him.  Charles beat Joey Maxim just like Moore did, but Moore fought Maxim for the title. The only difference was the title was not on the line when Charles beat him. In fact Charles beat Maxim and in Maxim’s very next fight he fought for the vacant light heavyweight title. Charles then gave Maxim a shot at his heavyweight title and beat him again while Maxim was light heavyweight champion. It’s very clear Charles was simultaneously the best light heavyweight and heavyweight.If Charles had more savvy management he would have been both the light heavyweight champion and heavyweight champion of the world and he was superior to all of the best light heavyweights of the day. He beat them ALL. Charles also had a better run at heavyweight than Moore did who was also kod by Marciano and kod by Patterson. Charles won the heavyweight title and defended 8x.

Speaking of Charley Burley. Burley beat a prime Moore. Well a green middleweight by the name of Ezzard Charles beat Burley also. I’m telling you old friend. By no metric is Archie Moore greater or better than Ezzard Charles and I’m a huge Archie Moore fan. Outlasting a fighter and having a longer run only surpasses the greatness when the careers are closer. In this case it’s not close in terms of who is better.

Oscar De La Hoya was the REAL DEAL. Oscar is a case of not realizing that your out of the ring character can effect the perception of your career. Oscar has done some things that don’t sit well morally but as a fighter he was a GUN. He was literally an ATG. He won his 4th title as a 24 year old. Besides maybe Evander Holyfield, Oscar may have fought the hardest schedule of the last 30 years. I see fighters who talk crap about Oscar but they wouldn’t have EVER taken the fights he took. He got dropped twice as a pup and they never shied him away from punchers. He struggled with southpaws but yet he still fought Camacho, Whitaker and Pacman. He struggled at middleweight vs Sturm and he still fought Hopkins. He got dropped by Quartey but he still fought Tito. He lost to Mosley as an amateur and still fought him twice as a pro. Oscar was something else man. On his best night vs Chavez1 he’s as good as a boxer puncher I have seen in the last 30 years. These new fans just don’t know any better.

INTUITION about a fighter is very important. I can tell who is strong and who can punch. Strong people usually have distinct jaw bones. I can tell who is explosive. They usually have tight calf muscles or twitchy quads. I can tell who has solid endurance. They usually have good posture. Often times punchers have hard dense hand shakes. And/or strong legs, strong forearms, or a loose torque body. Fighters who can take a punch usually have sturdy spines. The spines control the whole body. I can tell who had coachable character. A coachable fighter tries to prove you right, a bad character fighter is always trying to prove you wrong. A coachable fighter stays engaged and his energy is receptive to instructions. The un-coachable fighter is always comparing his trainer to other trainers. Man I can go on all day about a fighter and their traits. I know exactly what I’m getting or what a fighter is when I’m around a fighter.

When people say that fighters aren’t afraid to fight other fighters I don’t comment because that’s not true. Fear is not a bad thing. We all have fear. As long as you don’t let the fear consume or compromise you. But here is a secret. Fighters are the biggest MATCHMAKERS in boxing. It’s just easier to put the blame on promoters, networks and management because it doesn’t “look” right for a fighter to be the one to turn down a fight.

Hey Mr Edwards

Trust you and family are well as the world still reels from the ongoing coronavirus. I realised this past Saturday the later I get the mailbag the greater the fear it might not come. If that's not addiction, I don't know what is.I have two quick points this week. Firstly, help me with this question. What is the difference between victory and defeat in two-weight jumps? In the 8-weight era, I assume a two-weight jump even though we know it was the next weight up. So, Bob Foster jumps up two weights and is overwhelmed by both Frazier and Ali. SRR jumps two weights and Joey Maxim is a bridge too far. Forget the heat. Maxim wasn't insulated against it either.

Jose Napoles also makes this imaginary two-weight jump and is thumped by Monzon. Yet, Henry Armstrong jumps six weights and holds all those titles simultaneously. We are all expecting Roberto Duran to go after Antonio Cervantes but he jumps right over him in the multiple weight era and shocks SRL. Canelo jumps two weights and knocks an admittedly faded Sergey Kovalev out cold. Yet, Kell Brook had done the same but had an orbital bone fractured by GGG. So, what gives?

Secondly, if I was an advisor to Terence Crawford, I would advise him to go back to Junior Welter if it can be done without health risks. There are better fights for him there. Josh Taylor and Jose Ramirez would be immediately available. A medium term superfight could lurk with Teofimo Lopez who, unlike Spence, is not yellow and because TC would by then have lost a step or two, I see a tightly contested money spinning trilogy that could seal TC's legacy and see him retire well invested. He does not have to wait for longer term riskier fights with the other lightweight young guns who will surely move up to Junior Welter, e.g. Ryan Garcia. What do you think? I mean at Welterweight, who can TC really fight? He just beat Kel Brook more decisively than Spence did and he will do the same to Porter, Danny and Mikey Garcia and everyone of those PBC welterweights who fight Spence first. I think TC deserves much better than to be known as someone who feasted on Spence's leftovers. George Foreman v Vitali Klitschko.  I think Vitali stands in front of George too much and we know what can happen.


Johannesburg - South Africa

Bread’s Response: Addiction to my mailbag is a good thing. No matter what I’m doing I find 3 hours in a week to answer questions to send them in to the editor of BoxingScene. If you guys get the questions in by Thursday morning, I’m good. I think you’re clumping all 2 division weight jumps into one category. They aren’t. Sugar Ray Robinson was dominating Joey Maxim. Yes Maxim was also in the heat but Robinson was forced to move more because he was the one giving up 16lbs. So Maxim was able to conserve his energy more. In 1952 sports nutrition was not advanced. I don’t agree at all that the bridge was too far. I think the weather affected the smaller man too much. If Maxim had been hurting and dropping Robinson and was up on the scorecards then I would agree. But he was getting lit up. If that was fight was in the fall or winter and not in the summer, Ray Robinson would have won the light heavyweight title. It’s really that simple.

Bob Foster is an interesting case. I think he’s a tremendous fighter. But his losses at heavyweight are troublesome to me when I rate him. Fighting a prime Frazier is tough. There was no Mackie Shilstone in 1970 to bulk a fighter up. But Foster lost bad. Spinks lost bad to Tyson also, but Spinks beat Holmes and Cooney. Foster got stopped by Doug Jones, Ernie Terrell and Ali also. He was never really competitive at heavyweight despite being the tallest light heavyweight champion ever at 6’3, having very long arms and being a huge puncher. I don’t like to criticize great fighters or even fighters in general but I think Foster just fell apart fighting bigger men. The losses were too bad. A great fighter with his dimensions should have been more competitive moving up. For example Tommy Hearns was much more competitive at light heavyweight after starting out welterweight, than Foster was at heavyweight. They both had similar dimensions and punching power relative to their weights.

There were other light heavyweights that also moved up and were more competitive than Foster. Billy Conn was. Michael Spinks was. Roy Jones was. James Toney was. Ezzard Charles was. Archie Moore. Out of all of the great fighters who had great careers at light heavyweight, he was the tallest and biggest puncher and he did worse than all of them. He lost for different reasons than Robinson.

Jose Napoles was getting old by 1974. He was also an ex lightweight who was about 5’7 and he was fighting a huge middleweight who was equal to him in ability but had way more size. Carlos Monzon was as as strong as an ox. He had a great chin, jab and he his right hand was a shot gun. There is no ex light weight in history that could beat him at 160lbs. Not Duran, Armstrong, Mayweather, Oscar, Whitaker….whoever you name. They couldn’t beat Monzon at 160lbs. His style is murder on a little man.Every fight is different. Canelo is a dense strong fighter with a great chin. He was smart enough to go after a fragile, past his prime light heavyweight who struggles to make weight, who was recently kod and who has stamina issues. GGG and Charlo would have also kod that version of Kovalev. I give Canelo 100%, because hes’s the one who did it. But I’m just showing you, you can’t clump all of the results in together. Every scenario is different.

I don’t believe Crawford can make 140lbs at this stage of his life. He’s 33 and he’s been at welterweight for a few years now. Crawford is stronger than he looks and I believe one of the reasons he’s peaking at welterweight is he doesn’t cut into his muscle. I still believe Crawford is a fighter who walks around at 165lbs-170lbs in between fights. And for him to go down to 140lbs at this point may hurt him. Let’s remember he struggled really bad to make 135lbs many years ago. So he moved up. There is a good chance that 140 was not easy for him either and it surely wouldn’t be if now at this point. As you get older your metabolism slows down and you trap more mass. I think Crawford’s best weight is 147 at this current moment. He and his team have to just figure out a way to get the fights he needs for his legacy. I admit Crawford is in a conundrum. But that’s why he pays the people around him. They have to figure it out.


Do you rate the Charlos Brothers in your top 10 P4P? I love how you give analogies of who fighter’s remind you of. Who do the brother’s remind you of anyone?

Bread’s Response: I think both Charlo Brothers are top 20ish P4P fighters. Off the top of my head I’m not sure if they are top 10. I’m going to do my top 10 right now just to see.1. Crawford/Canelo 3. Inoue 4. Spence 5. Lopez 6. Estrada 7. Fury 8. Beterbiev 9. Taylor 10. Loma. My next wave of guys are in no order the Charlo Bros, Ioka, Usyk, Pacman, Stevenson, Davis, Ramirez, Plant, Benavidez, Breidis, Choc, SSR, Berchelt…So they are in the top 20 but could be in the top 10. I wouldn’t argue with anyone who put them in the top 10 at this moment.

Jermell Charlo the Junior Middleweight reminds me of Terry Norris. Norris I believe is faster and quicker. Norris seems to be a more gifted and talented natural athlete, if I remember correctly Norris could have been a major league baseball player. But Charlo has a better chin and he’s mean. Charlo won’t have the bad nights that Norris did because his chin is better. That counts for a lot. If you watch both Norris and Jermell fight they both fight well off the bounce. Norris was just more free flowing with his combinations and harder to outbox. Charlo punches in a different sequence than Norris. But Charlo lines up just like him. And again his chin doesn’t let him down as much as Norris’s did.

Jermall Charlo the Middleweight. Reminds me of Jermaine Taylor. Taylor was also a little faster and he had more Olympic twitch and pedigree. The Charlo’s were not international level amateurs and that may be why they get outboxed in longer spots than some would like. But Jermall also has a better chin than Taylor. I think punch for punch he hits harder too. And Charlo has a better IQ. Taylor for as tough as the competition he fought, he didn’t improve his IQ. He kept making the same mistakes, fight after fight regardless of who was training him.  He fought Joppy, Hopkins, Ouma, Spinks, Wright, Lacy, Froch, Abraham and Pavlik. You would assume because of his crazy level of experience his IQ would be higher than Charlo’s but it’s not. Charlo thinks much better than Taylor did. If Taylor had Charlo’s IQ he would be in the HOF.I look at the small things in boxing.

The Charlo Bros are not the most freakishly talented guys I have seen. I think guys like Shakur Stevenson and Teofimo Lopez are more talented. The Charlos are more athletic than they are talented. Talent and athleticism are different. But they are two determined dudes. They throw real punches. They’re extremely strong. And their ability to take a punch thus far is elite. I don’t like complimenting a fighter on his chin because that can change with one fight. Merqui Sosa and Diego Corrales both had iron chins at one point. Sosa fought Roy Jones and started to get clipped. Corrales fought Floyd Mayweather and started to get dropped in every fight. But thus far the Charlo’s chins are what separates them. Just look at their fights. They take their opponent’s punches better than their opponent’s take their punches. Neither guy has ever had their SPINE wiggled.

What people don’t realize in boxing is that if your spine is strong and sturdy then your punch resistance will be better. Look at Jermaine Taylor vs Kell Pavlik. In the 7th round Taylor got hit and his spine wiggled. Jack Lowe, Pavlik’s trainer noticed it. It’s a subtle but important thing. GGG’s spine does not wiggle or should I say has not been wiggled yet. Kovalev’s spine gets wiggled every time he gets hit big. Canelo’s spine doesn’t wiggle. And guess what the Charlo Bros have strong spines. They have never had that wiggle to their spine after taking a big shot. I have seen them slightly stunned and buzzed. That happens to every single fighter in the world at a certain level. But they have not lost control of the stability of their spine. Jermall was caught by Julian Williams and Matt Korobov with nice shots. He bent his knees ate the shots and never lost control of his spine. Devrenchenko hit him with a nice body shot that’s different from what I’m talking about. But Jermall may have been a little stunned but his stability didn’t allow him to be hurt. Jermell was hit by a nice right hand by Tony Harrison in their 1st fight. And Jeison Rosario actually buzzed him with a left hook in the 6th or 7th round before he was stopped. But Jermell never let it get out of control. The spine literally controls the whole body. It controls the nerves. It controls the legs. It controls the NECK. People often attest taking a punch to a strong neck, strong legs etc. And while that’s true. The spine controls all of that.

You can outbox both brothers. But it’s hard to discourage them or beat them because it’s hard to hurt them. And they have confidence they can hurt you more than you will hurt them.

Hello Mr Breadman,                                     

Hope you are well!There's a lot written about the great Sonny Liston and you may know this already but in The Name of The Game by Adam Heach one gets to follow Sonny Liston in training for the rematch with Clay / Ali in the fall of 1964. Liston is in great shape. Then Clay gets injured, the fight is postponed and Liston returns to drinking and doing drugs.That takes us to James Ellroy and The Six Thousand Cold. Liston pops pills and drinks. One of the mob connected gangsters sees it and puts all his money on Clay / Ali and while fiction this is an interesting theory as to why the odds changed in favor of Clay / Ali.Liston then came to Sweden with his wife and when I asked Mogens Palle about Sonny the reply was "well, he was very quiet".

People who watched him train said it was like watching a monster emerge as he worked himself back in shape. When Geraldine was around there was seldom any kind of trouble :)As for the mob connection: why wasn´t the mob able to protect him better? Check how Cayton / Jacobs got Tyson out of trouble for several years - and the mob couldn't do that? Keep up the good work!

Per-Ake Persson

Bread’s Response: Liston is just a fascinating guy. His life, death and the Ali fights are as intriguing as the OJ Simpson case in my opinion. I also heard that Liston was in great shape for the rematch but it was postponed. Many people don’t realize that Ali was off for a year after he beat Liston because he was injured.So I believe that Liston originally wanted to win the rematch. He trained really hard. But when the fight got postponed he lost his mojo. That happens often even now. What I am not clear on is when the DIVE was set up. Some say that Sonny realized he couldn’t beat Ali and just dived on his own, which could have been the case. But I think it’s more likely that someone made money off of his “laying” down.

The reason the mob didn’t protect him more was because they didn’t have a need for him after the rematch. His troubles before he lost to Ali were manageable. He actually lived in Philadelphia for a while. I know people who were close to him. And he actually had a son by a woman here. I knew his son in passing. He was a big, intimidating guy who looked a lot like Liston. His name was Wingate and he recently just passed away. But even the Mob has issues covering up everything. Liston had different sides of his personality. He lived in a country divided by color. He was a big intimidating man. So therefore law enforcement would not be kind to him. That’s a reality of America at the time, regardless of one’s “connections”. I’m glad you guys took interest in the question about Liston.

One thing people don’t realize because he ran into a prime Ali is that Liston at the time Ali beat him was considered a top 3 or 4 heavyweight ever. Just think about 1962. Liston would have most likely to been the favorite to beat everyone except Joe Louis and Maybe Jack Johnson. He was freakishly strong. He had the arms of a man 7ft tall despite being about 6’1. He had great balance, fundamentals and power. Liston is still one of the top 10-15 heavyweights ever and head to head I don’t know if guys like Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis or Wlad Klitschko can beat him on his best night. He would NOT go 0-4 against them. Liston was a GREAT fighter.

Hi bread!

I'm always a big fan and never miss your mailbag every week. I think you are one of the all time great and HOF when it comes to boxing mind is concern.. just have a few questions and your prediction this 2020.

I know Manny Pacquiao is the last of his era who started in the 90's. Cotto, Barrera, Morales, Marquez and Bradley is all gone. He accomplished crazy things and fought everybody.  But he is also a senator and will run for president in 2022 Philippines elections.  Are you in favor of him fighting Conor McGregor for big money fight and donate a big part of his earnings in this bout to covid 19 patients country man.  Or fighting Spence and Crawford for small amounts of earnings and be undisputed ? Which is more important humanitarian or legacy for Pacquiao now.. to be honest its insane that he is still in the mix with great welterweight at age 42. And champions in 4 different decades?

What is your prediction in this crazy lightweight this year between Garcia , Davis, Haney, Lopez, Lomachenko? Who wins Garcia vs Davis? Lopez vs Haney ?Haney vs lomachenko?Davis vs haney?What if Shakur Stevenson join the mix this year?

Mythical match ups.

1. Tito vs Spence and Crawford?

2. Henry Armstrong and hearns vs floyd?

3. Arguello vs Garcia, Lopez ,haney, davis?

4.tank davis vs late edwin valero?

5. Holyfield vs fury, Joshua and wilder?

Thanks bread.

Angelo Seso

Bread’s Response: 1. I don’t have an opinion on exhibitions and fights between boxers and mma. I’m a purist. I don’t engage in that stuff.

2. I’m not sure if any of those guys will fight this year. I think the closest fight to getting made is Davis vs Garcia. And I think Davis is the slight favorite but I don’t have an official pick yet.

Yes I do think Shakur Stevenson will join the mix. But he’s currently trying to get a shot a 130lb champions. No one will be in a hurry to fight that kid. People who know, know. Stevenson may not get the biggest fights just yet. He may join the party later because he’s smaller. Sort of like what Floyd did with Oscar, Shane and Cotto. Floyd was smaller so he wasn’t at the weight when they first started fighting. I think Stevenson is the real deal.

I don’t want to start making picks in fights for guys who aren’t fighting each other yet. Let them sign to fight then we can start making picks. I have seen this before and it’s not guaranteed that they will fight. We are in a different era. This era is not about proving who is the best. It’s about longevity, less risk and maintaining status and paygrade without losing. It’s not so much a right and wrong thing. People fight the status quo of the time. But the public is fooled by this best wanting to fight the best thing. No one wants to lose in this era. So therefore if you can make money while not taking a 50/50 or underdog fight, you are going to do it most likely.


I was listening to Andrade on Mannix's podcast and he was asked why he signed an extension with Hearn since he hasn't been able to deliver him a big fight? He basically said where else would he get this type of security where he is making 7 figures to fight the likes of Luke Keeler? Around that time, he was offered a multi-fight deal with SHO that included a Charlo fight that he ultimately ended up turning down. As a trainer or manager, how do you determine what is the best route to go for the fighter? Like, he would have gotten his big fight against Charlo, but his guarantee to fight someone else on SHO wouldn't have been as big as his guarantee on DAZN. At the same time though, this is a fighter starving to get a big fight. Would you have encouraged him to take the SHO deal so he could have had more leverage if he would have beat Charlo in getting someone like Canelo or GGG? This man is 32 years old with one of the worst resumes of anyone of his talent in the last 15-20 years. Seriously, name someone as good as Andrade this late in their career (12+ years as a pro) with such a bleak resume' with no top opponent? Has he fought ANY fighter at 154 or 160 that was seen as a top 5 fighter at that weight class? Vanes is the closest but was he really top 5 at that time? I think you can argue that but that's about it. Not to mention he had a fight lined up with Jermell Charlo and pulled out because of money issues with his promoter. Interested in your thoughts here.

Take care.

Bread’s Response: If what you heard is true you are giving me news. I don’t listen to boxing podcasts, etc ….I had no idea that Showtime recently offered Andrade a contract to fight Charlo. That would be a great fight. Here is the thing. I can’t comment too much because I didn’t see the contract. I don’t know the small details. I don’t even know how much money they offered him to fight Charlo. I don’t know what else to say about that. Fans argue about things they don’t have a clue about. This era is tough to gauge.

Hey Bread,

Love the mailbag man. Keep up the good work.A couple weeks ago you answered a letter about fighters to study. You said to watch the title runs of Sanchez, Arguello, Whitaker, Lopez and Jofre because their fundamentals can be replicated by mere mortals.Which fighters post-2000 would you recommend?Salvador Sanchez vs Alexis Arguello @ 126

Cheers, Alex

Bread’s Response: Post 2000…..Floyd Mayweather on how to apply the jab. Mayweather’s jab is nasty. Canelo on how to find way to deliver a left hook to the body and how to walk down a trap a fighter. Andre Ward on his hybrid boxer/fighter style.Chocolatito on how to be fluid on attack. Monster Inoue on how to deliver your best shots in the mid range. Inoue is a straight CLIPPER.Nonito Donaire on punching WITH opponents.Juan Marquez on combination punching with your hands up.

Good day sir,

Always love your insights Do you think that modern day boxing has become the display of the athlete rather than a technical boxing skills and  are fighters becoming more physical relying on the tangibles and less on tactics/ distance control timing/ positioning  only a few elite fighters apply their minds , in my opinion at least like Terence Crawford  the guy doesn't look strong but I believe his timing and ring iq makes his "tools" work even better a real throwback so is the ART of boxing being lost  and fighters are being trained  to just do everything harder and not really applying the fundamentals or do you believe its because casual fans don't appreciate chess matches  or tacticians that the networks are pressured to please the audience  and provide bar room brawls  secondly who are your top tacticians in the current gen of fighters

Gershwin Williams, Johannesburg

Bread’s Response: Every sport evolves with trial and error. In boxing men who are naturally 180lbs have figured out a way to weigh in at 154lbs, rehydrate back up to 170lbs and fight. It’s just how it is and there are so many hours in the day. We are in a visual era. It’s very hard for an athlete to watch his opponent, flip tires and not want to flip tires himself.

So fighters are training 2 and 3 times day. Once for road work. Twice for boxing/sparring and floor work. Third time for strength and conditioning. In my opinion I think the fighter who can manage their day the best flourishes the most. If they can somehow give each of their workouts 100% and get the most out of everything, then most likely they will get the best results. I love some old school tactics and I love some new school stuff. Fighters don’t parry as much these days. They catch and shoot more. Fighters today don’t fight on the inside as often these days. In every era the best fighter gets sort of mimicked. It’s just how it is.

I agree the sport hasn’t evolved much in terms of skills. If you watch Leonard vs Hearns 1 which was 40 years ago, you don’t see a drop in skill. But some sports are just like that. Baseball is the same way. Although scientifically sports have advanced, skill is still skill. The more you do something the better you will become at it. Repetition is the mother of skill. Maybe fighters practiced on skill more back in the day because the other stuff wasn’t around to take up their time…

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January 23, 2021 at 10:23PM

Daily Bread Mailbag: Charlos, Andrade, Sonny Liston, Pacquiao, More -
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